NEW: Whitepaper for the development of antibody/protein purification

Biopharmaceuticals such as antibodies and proteins have become the new backbone of the pharmaceutical industry. This document is a guide for the development of IEX purification processes for antibodies and proteins with considerations of the economic and productive aspects. This means: maximum sample recovery in the shortest cycle time within cost limitations.

Contents of the whitepaper

  • Separation modes
  • Selection of IEX resin types
  • Buffer composition and pH
  • Definition of elution conditions
  • Gradient optimisation
  • Cleaning strategies


Download the whitepaper and learn more about the method development of antibody and protein purifications

Fig: Separation of molnupiravir and its active metabolite using a YMC-Triart C18 UHPLC column

Practical support for your lab: Posters for preparative LC from YMC

Boost your insulin purification! By choosing YMC’s optimised C8 stationary phase, productivity and cost-efficiency for your insulin purification can be moved to a higher level.

Discover why the novel hybrid RP-phase is the right choice for the introduction of a highly efficient insulin process.

➡️ Get your poster here!